01 The materials published on this site are marketing materials (here in after - «Marketing materials»). Marketing material is not a public offer or other proposal to contract with a company that is part of the PORT ROSS or to make an investment with it. Distribution of marketing materials in different jurisdictions may be limited by applicable law rules, and consequently recipients of Marketing materials are required to familiarize themselves with and strictly comply with applicable restrictions

02 The Marketing materials are presented on the site for the purpose of familiarizing the recipients with the activities of the company and attracting new clients. Marketing materials do not contain contract obligations for consultancy, funding or other commitments, and cannot be interpreted as an assurance that a certain transaction will necessarily be at a specified price or yield a specified yield

03 Marketing materials are not investment and analytical materials. In assessing any investment opportunities, each recipient of Marketing materials must determine the appropriateness of any financial instruments or transactions before accepting them, with the assistance of their own tax, accounting, financial and legal advisers. Marketing material does not constitute any tax, legal, accounting, financial or investment recommendation, nor is it an individual investment recommendation and should not be interpreted as such

04 Unless otherwise specified in specific Marketing materials, any reference to UFG WM means a reference to any member of PORT ROSS
The information on the site is not a public offer.


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